

Radzhabkadiev Radzhabkadi Magomedovich

Purpose: Comparative assessment of biochemical indicators of highly qualified athletes in the process of long-term adaptation to training activity of diverse focus. Research methods and organization. The research involved 180 elite athletes (107 men and 73 women) practicing shooting, bobsleigh, biathlon and snowboarding. The overall average age was 21,7±0,8 years for men and 23,1±1,5 years for women. Exploration of biochemical parameters in the serum (acid phosphatase (АP), urea, and creatinine, the activity of alaninamino- (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), creatine phosphokinase MB (CPK-MB)) occurred with «Konelab 20» analyzer (Finland). Research results and discussion. Bobsledders demonstrated a significant excess of the activity indicators of АP, CPK and creatinine concentration. Individual variation of enzyme activity points to varying level of adaptation capacity of athletes. Comparative analysis of creatine kinase activity in a gender aspect revealed statistically significant excess of this parameter for men in all surveyed groups. Occurrence of increased CPK indicators was 1,6 times more frequent (р<0,05) for men than for women. Muscle damage index of 36.1% of men (CPK/AST) was over 10. This indicates the presence of myocyte damage: shooters – in 10% of cases, biathletes – 30%, bobsledders – 95.2% and snowboarders – 10% cases. For females, only female biathletes and bobsledders in 20% and 75% of cases respectively turned out to have excess of this index. Conclusion. The findings suggest that athletes practicing bobsleigh are characterized by higher values of metabolic biomarkers, in particular AP and CPK. Probably it can be the result of mechanical damage of myocytes during intense physical speed-power activities and enhancing creatine phosphokinase mechanism of energy supply of athletes in this group.

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