

Hakobyan Elena Surenovna
Tshmarityan Marina Victorovna

The aim of the research: to study adaptation capabilities of adult and elderly women having different levels of motor activity. Methods and organization of the research. The study was carried out in a recreational group on the basis of the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Armenia. The study involved 24 women aged 45-65 with different physical training experience (experimental group), and 40 women of the same age without physical training experience who formed the control group. Assessment of functional state of cardiovascular system was obtained when having tested PWC150 physical performance, and having calculated an indicator of adaptation potential, Robinson index. Results of the research. It was revealed that adaptation capabilities of women remain constantly at the same level during the whole research period. The growing exercising experience is followed by a slight growth of functional capabilities of women’ bodies during the whole research period, and it can be characterized as a significant positive fact considering involution changes. The indicators of adaptation potential and Robinson index serve as an objective and reliable criterion for assessment of functional state of a cardiovascular system of an adult person, and they can be recommended for determination of necessary exercise regime and regulation of physical load. Conclusion. Longitudinal observations of the dynamics of physical performance revealed that against the background of involution processes long-term physical training allows to maintain, and in some cases, to improve the functional state of body, as well as physical conditions.

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