

Misiura Alina Alexandrovna

The aim of research is assessment of the level of second-graders’ awareness of physical exercises, healthy lifestyle and Olympism. The research encompassed second-graders attending after-school groups. Research methods and organization. The research was carried out on the basis of Gomel secondary school No. 59 with participation of 79 second-graders attending after-school groups. Research organization is presented by the questionnaire for above-mentioned schoolchildren. Research results. The questionnaire revealed the average level of physical culture awareness of second-graders. The majority of those who were interviewed reached the above-average level of awareness of physical exercises and the average level of awareness of healthy lifestyle. The lowest indicators among three types of awareness belong to Olympism. Conclusion. Schoolchildren’s acquaintance with the fundamentals of physical culture knowledge is one of effective ways of bringing children into physical exercises and sports, promotion of physical upbringing. Refinement of the process of developing sport awareness at physical education classes and after school is one of the most relevant problems of generating physical identity of schoolchildren. The need for editing training manuals, holding additional classes aimed at enhancement of physical culture awareness of schoolchildren is rather evident. An after-school group as a form of the organization of after-school time of schoolchildren along with the "Physical Culture and Health" subject has considerable opportunities for solution of the specified problem.

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