

Demchenko Yuriy Vladimirovich
Golovlev Vladislav Alexandrovich
Yatsin Yuri Vasilyevich
Salnikov Viktor Aleksandrovich

The purpose of the research is to study the connections between the results of various forms of manifestation of speed abilities and speed in qualified student boxers, with style characteristics and the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system.

Organization of the research. The study was conducted at the research base of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Martial Arts and Strength Sports of the Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. 26 athletes took part in the study: qualified boxers, students of Siberian State University of Physical Culture. Speed readiness was assessed by the following tests: “Running 100 meters”, “Number and maximum sharpness (MR) of impacts”, “Latent time of simple motor reaction for sound”, “Impact time”, “Local speed endurance” (LSA).

Research results and their discussion. The article examines the connection between the individual psychological characteristics of boxers and the stylistic characteristics of the fight and the factors determining their effectiveness. Their differences are shown, and at the same time, correlations with the characteristics of strike actions are revealed. Thus, boxers-players have a greater number of blows per unit of time, “tempo” boxers have a higher sharpness of blows, and punchers have a shorter time of striking. With regard to individual psychological characteristics, the greatest connections between test indicators of impact actions were identified with the strength of the nervous system and with the external balance between excitation and inhibition.

Conclusion. A consistent analysis of boxers' fighting styles makes it possible to identify the essential properties of different styles, which are typical for athletes who differ in their individual characteristics. It is noted that the formation of an individual style is determined by a combination of various factors.

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